Friday, October 15, 2010

The reality of creating

Well it has been about four months since this little seed of an idea was planted in my mind. And not so much as a little green leaf seems to have grown as yet. A little sad really, but I have to remind myself that life continues and sometimes its a little hard to find time in between, work, sleep, eating, cleaning up after my boyfriend and our five month old mastiff pup. Sometimes I don't even find time to think. Don't get me wrong of course I am thinking every minute of everyday but do you find we are continuously thinking about things that are not truly important to us. In fact it seems rare that we get that beautiful, delicious, quality time to simply dream...

With this in mind I have taken a step in what I like to call the right mum.

Why I did not think about this sooner is beyond me, she is the perfect business partner in this little adventure. My beautiful mum has many years of sewing experience and has always been a creator. She also has oodles of time now she is retired, something I lack.

So three days after the decision was made we have fabric on it's way from the USA and Korea. Can not wait for it too arrive, time to start making Cheeky Comfy things.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yoga inspirations

I have been on a yoga strike for about 6 months now, which means I have been too lazy/preoccupied to make stretching my poor limbs a priority. After realising early in the week that touching my toes has become a real effort, I have endeavoured to bring this practice back into life.

The point of this blog is a thought that came to me somewhere between poses, about what my business SHOULD be about. I decided that I want my passion and my life philosophies to be reflected in what I create. That I should not attempt to fit a square peg in a round hole by trying to be like anyone else, or having products that put any emphasis on things that at my core I do not think are important.

Of course this thought compliments the idea that Cheeky Comfy will celebrate the diversity in the world. The first step in accepting others, is to accept ourselves.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The path to who knows where...

Some how I have been lead to this point right.....HERE

Like most things that have happened in my life this little gem of an idea has planted itself in my mind and heart and urges me forward, with little information, but a lot of romanticised feelings of purpose.

So I ponder tonight about the little brand that is being born called Cheeky Comfy, about why it is and what it is about? What is nella bella even about and how is it going to help me contribute to this beautiful big world of ours?

Ah ha! This brand is my cheeky and not too risky, sort of comfy and fun, step into the world of creation. (this is not how I came up with the name, if only I had been that clever)

Everyone should feel free to share their ideas and imagination with the world, no matter how quirky, or sensible, or beyond comprehension it may be. So this could be what Cheeky Comfy really stands for. The diversity in the world and in our selves that yearns to get out, and those first baby steps we take to share with everyone who will take notice.

Where shall the path lead now?