Saturday, August 25, 2012

Embracing the baby mamma journey - birth

Well the time has come that I jumped on the parenting blog band wagon. Why? Because I love to write, particularly about my own life experiences and insights, and the centre of my world for about the last ooo 10 months has been one amazing little creature now officially named Boston.

I am not saying nella bella inspired will be exclusively a mummy blog but I feel it is important to share our experiences that may in some small way help others along their own journey. So for now I foresee little bits and pieces we have learnt through pregnancy, birth and those first few weeks finding their way to this page. To start with some thoughts I wrote not long before the long anticipated EDD (aka estimated due date).

"oh wise tree tell me what lies ahead"
~ It is safe to say a lot of mum's to be will experience the most wonderful phenomenon that pregnancy creates. Turning you into a giant worm hole at the centre of the universe. Sucking up peoples interest, love and well wishes. It truly gives you a massive boost in self importance, leading to slightly unrealistic idea's about exactly how awesome you and your morphing body are. 

This phenomenon coupled with my good pregnancy has equalled one blessed time. But alas the end is near, I will attest not too soon, as my body is getting just a little crammed for space. With our EDD approaching faster then a speeding train I must be honest and admit I have moments of pure anxiety at the thought of giving birth. We have prepared mentally, physically and emotionally with research, yoga, hypnobirthing, acupuncture and building a dream team of support. It still remains that this life changing event brings so much uncertainty and is shrouded in scary sentiment like "the worst pain you will ever feel". You hear so many "horror" stories about 20 hour labours and emergency cesareans, I have to wonder despite the preparation will this day become my worst nightmare.

So it is with trepidation that I walk half boldly toward this day. The comforting factor being that it will be at the most two days, which lets face it is soooooo minuscule in the scheme of life, and that so many wonderful women have gone before me into this journey emerging filled with love and triumph. I wonder if everyone feels this amazing mix of emotion??? I also wonder how I will feel when I too have come through the other end...~