Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Late night rambling....yes 10pm is late for me

This week creativity has been calling my name. I have been sort of ignoring her and bashing her down a little with facts, figures and everyday life. Yet here I am at my favourite creative outlet...writing. Sure it is a reasonably neglected past time but I still come back eventually, it gives me peace. What gives you peace?

I started this blog with the idea of a little business and seeking/sharing inspiration. So what does the present hold? Poor ole Cheeky Comfy is not so much dead and buried as taking a long nap. Now...I am a university student!

I seem to be the cliche of my generation. X that is. We fumble around discovering corners of the globe, different occupations, different hobbies. Then we hit our late 20's, come to the decision our life needs more purpose/meaning/direction...we go and get educated. Six of my friends have commenced study in the last 12 months. The verdict? I love being a cliche.

My partner in crime and life has dubbed me a nerd, partly due to my paranoia of failing that has lead to hours of study, mainly due to my incessant fun facts. KNOWLEDGE PEOPLE! Interesting little tid-bits about the world that I never knew just flood towards me. Sure I still need a coffee to get me to the end of Wednesday but I am generally blown away by our amazing planet and the species that call it home.

Did you know... vultures eye sight is the strongest recorded at 20km, native Africans are pure homosapiens while Asians and Europeans have a wee bit of neanderthal within them (cross breeding during migration), production of the biofuel ethanol from corn actually uses more energy in production then what it gives back in consumption, if the veins, arteries and capillaries of a single human being were laid end to end they would wrap around the equator twice!

Its really amazing stuff.

I still do not know where life will take me, or even this part of life, but what I do know is I am getting wowed again and I have found some more inspiration.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inspiration with Integrity

I am a big fan of the website www.ted.com. It was created by a not for profit organisation called TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, that began in 1984.

Their mission:Spreading Ideas - We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately the world. So we're building here a clearing house that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the worlds most inspired thinkers.

Whenever I am feeling unmotivated I just jump online and find a talk by some brilliant individual that leaves me feeling as if, yes, we can make a difference. Each yeah there is a TEDprize, awarded to an outstanding person who receives $100,000 dollars to use in a project and is allowed to make a "wish to change the world", which is then presented in a talk at one of the annual TED conferences. Past winners include Bono, Bill Clinton and Jamie Oliver. This years winner goes by the alias JR.

I just watched his "wish to change the world"
talk and quite frankly so should you. It is truly a great story, he is an artist, a photographer, but someone who works with such integrity and thought for the bigger picture, its just, well, inspiring.

We all get caught up in life so much, the daily routine, what needs to be done, what miles stones we need to reach, what we should wear. That we tend to forget the bigger picture at times. Its nice to step back every once in a while and really consider what impact our actions are having on the world. We all have an amazing gift, life, that has given us a chance to hone our natural skills and passion. We have the chance each day to use those things to change our own lives and the lives of people around us. What are we teaching the world?

JR is an artist. The way he practices art changes the way people view the world, he highlights communities and individuals that would never have the chance to be seen if it was not for his projects.

So check the TALK out... and get involved with the PROJECT

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inspiration- The topic of the hour.

Was the last time I blogged really October? That little rascal called time is getting faster I swear it. Alright so down to the business of business.
The first inspirational gem of nella bella, cheeky comfy creations, is blossoming! A Christmas gift giving spree brought us a lot of joy and confidence as we saw our projects from the last months of 2010 bring smiles to family and friends.

January and February have been great months for cheeky comfy. We are now online (www.madeit.com/cheekycomfy) and on
facebook and our is website under construction. Not only that but we are making sales! The foundations of the business are coming together and its exciting.

But alas I have not been blogging because I could not find anything
really worth blogging. An idea has sprung to mind in the recent weeks though, one that stems from the whole purpose of this business venture. Inspiration.

It is something that we all search for on a
conscience and sub-conscience level. For me it has been illusive and quite honestly a worry. I have met people in my life with such passion and purpose, who are just buzzing with the energy of inspiration. They have really found their calling. I have struggled to find something that really lights that fire in my belly, I wonder now though whether I just wasn't looking in the right way, wasn't truly open to the possibilities, was distracted with past beliefs about what it should look like, or maybe to scared to go after it.

So I have decided that this blog, while it will keep everyone updated on nella bella and cheeky comfy in a business sense, will be more focused on inspiration. People who have it, where to find it, how to find it, pretty much any thing that lights a little spark.

To end this entry I would like to recommend watching a movie called "it's kind of a funny story". After watching it earlier this week I felt like taking life by the hand and skipping into the sunset. Also let me know what gives you inspiration...